Saturday, September 28, 2013

Sprint To 'Wait And See' If It Will Drop BlackBerry Devices From Stores

Sprint To 'Wait And See' If It Will Drop BlackBerry Devices From Stores

A few days back T-Mobile announced that it will no longer be offering BlackBerry devices in its retail stores. Apart from keeping only one unit in a store for demonstration purposes, T-Mobile will only sell BlackBerry devices online to its customers. The move came amid uncertain times for BlackBerry, which is nearing a $4.7 billion acquisition and possibly losing its manufacturing partner. Sprint chief financial officer Joe Euteneur has said that the carrier will “wait and see” before it makes any decision regarding dropping BB devices from its retail stores.

Ubergizmo , Sprint To 'Wait And See' If It Will Drop BlackBerry Devices From Stores, Sprint To 'Wait And See' If It Will Drop BlackBerry Devices From Stores

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