Wednesday, September 25, 2013

F1 2014 Said To Arrive With 60FPS And Improved Physics

F1 2014 Said To Arrive With 60FPS And Improved Physics

How does next generation video games sound to you. Definitely, it will receive a couple of thumbs up, right. Apparently, we have received word that all upcoming F1 games that will arrive on the Xbox One as well as the PlayStation 4 will boast of a 60 frames per second framerate, in addition to improved physics compared to existing console versions. This particular bit of news has been given further confirmation by the Codemasters communications manager Andy Gray, who claimed that Codemasters had "hit the peak of where we can go with the current-gen stuff, not only in terms of visuals but obviously physics and everything.".

Ubergizmo , F1 2014 Said To Arrive With 60FPS And Improved Physics, F1 2014 Said To Arrive With 60FPS And Improved Physics

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