Thursday, September 26, 2013

Motorola Opens Shop In Waterloo, Could Be Interested In BlackBerry Staff

Motorola Opens Shop In Waterloo, Could Be Interested In BlackBerry Staff

Just the other day we reported on some unfortunate news on how BlackBerry had announced an operating loss of about $1 billion, and in the process would be axing some jobs in a bid to save money. So what will happen to these unfortunate staff at BlackBerry. Where will they go to next. Well Motorola might be a possibility, especially since Google had recently confirmed that the company would be opening up shop in Waterloo, Canada, leading some to speculate that this could be a sign that Google and Motorola are interested in picking up some of BlackBerry's staff who might have been laid off as a result of the huge loss.

Ubergizmo , Motorola Opens Shop In Waterloo, Could Be Interested In BlackBerry Staff, Motorola Opens Shop In Waterloo, Could Be Interested In BlackBerry Staff

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