Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Official Charging Docks For iPhone 5S And iPhone 5C

Official Charging Docks For iPhone 5S And iPhone 5C

Apple has announced a couple of accessories today for the new iPhones that it unveiled earlier today. New covers have been announced for the iPhone 5C and the iPhone 5S. There's a soft-feel silicone cover being offered for the iPhone 5C and a leather cover for the iPhone 5S. For both smartphones, Apple will also be selling docks. There's a separate dock for each smartphone, however the iPhone 5S dock is compatible with iPhone 5 as well.

There's really no difference in the design of the two different docks that Apple will sell. Both have a Lightning connected facing upwards, the device has to be pushed into the dock so that it fits snugly.

Ubergizmo , Official Charging Docks For iPhone 5S And iPhone 5C, Official Charging Docks For iPhone 5S And iPhone 5C

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