Friday, September 13, 2013

Pope Francis receives a vintage Renault 4 to serve as Vatican wheels

Pope Francis receives a vintage Renault 4 to serve as Vatican wheels

Pope Francis has a new car. It's not bulletproof, it isn't made by Mercedes-Benz and it doesn't require that we attach the inglorious suffix "-mobile" to it. In fact, the Pope's new ride is a 1984 Renault 4 that fully lives up to the pontiff's recent urging that we drive "humble" vehicles. Not that the Pope has shipped in the Renault to hammer home his point. The Renault was reportedly a gift from priest Fr. Renzo Zocca, who put some 190,000 miles on the odometer while tending to the needs of his flock in the northern Italian city of (fair) Verona.

Autoblog , Pope Francis receives a vintage Renault 4 to serve as Vatican wheels, Pope Francis receives a vintage Renault 4 to serve as Vatican wheels

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