Monday, September 16, 2013

Google buys Bump, will they use it to supercharge Android Beam?

Google buys Bump, will they use it to supercharge Android Beam?

You guys remember Bump. It was an app that was all the rage a few years back and was used to easily transferring contact info, pictures, files, etc. between 2 devices by simply “bumping” them together. Following the recent trend of tech companies like Motorola, Wimm, Waze, and others getting snatched up by Google, Bump is now the latest addition to the house that Larry and Sergey built.
Bump's CEO and co-founder David Lieb revealed the “good news” via the company blog, saying they couldn't be “more thrilled” to be joining up with the fine folks over at Google.

Android Phone , Google buys Bump, will they use it to supercharge Android Beam?, Google buys Bump, will they use it to supercharge Android Beam?

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