Monday, September 23, 2013

MakerBot Digitizer eyes-on

MakerBot Digitizer eyes-on

Slick though it might be, the Digitizer is a strange-looking beast, with a large platform that juts out in front of an overhanging bar. The majority of the device is monopolized by a spinning bed that's eight inches in diameter and will look familiar to anyone who's ever laid eyes on a turntable. At the tip of the platform, large white letters remind you that it's a MakerBot Digitizer that you dropped $1,400 on. On the back of the device, you'll find ports for power and USB (to connect it to your PC) and a power button.
MakerBot Digitizer eyes-on

MakerBot Digitizer eyes-on

MakerBot Digitizer eyes-on

MakerBot Digitizer eyes-on

MakerBot Digitizer eyes-on

Engadget , MakerBot Digitizer eyes-on, MakerBot Digitizer eyes-on

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