Monday, August 19, 2013

Skywind Is Morrowind Remade Using Skyrim's Engine

Skywind Is Morrowind Remade Using Skyrim's Engine

Bethesda's Elder Scrolls' lineup of games have been pretty fun and somewhat expansive, and the latest title, Skyrim, has been receiving a lot of attention due to its gameplay, not to mention the fact that there has been a ton of mods that transforms the game into something else entirely. While we've seen mods try to enhance the game, here's a mod that seems to focus more on an older Elder Scrolls' title, Morrowind. Basically what has happened is that a group of fans have decided to give the game a visual makeover using Skyrim's engine.

Ubergizmo , Skywind Is Morrowind Remade Using Skyrim's Engine, Skywind Is Morrowind Remade Using Skyrim's Engine

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