Thursday, August 22, 2013

Dick Van Dyke escapes his flaming Jaguar on the 101

Dick Van Dyke escapes his flaming Jaguar on the 101

Actor Dick Van Dyke was caught in a dangerous situation on a Los Angeles highway (who are we kidding, every situation on an LA highway is dangerous), when his Jaguar XJ spontaneously caught fire. The 87-year-old actor/comedian pulled to the side and attempted to call emergency services when another motorist pulled him from the car. There seems to be some confusion as to whether Van Dyke was passed out or merely calling emergency services. According to the photos and video from NBC and The Today Show, the car was thoroughly cooked in the blaze and is now a total loss.

Autoblog , Dick Van Dyke escapes his flaming Jaguar on the 101, Dick Van Dyke escapes his flaming Jaguar on the 101

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