Monday, March 19, 2012

EverQuest is now free-to-play

EverQuest is now free-to-play

All good things must come to an end, but I suppose before the MMORPG (Massively Multilayer Online Role Playing Game) known as EverQuest (same call it EverCrack in it's heyday) still has some life left it in. In fact, it has been a good 13 years since the original EverQuest went online, making it one of the longest running subscription-based MMORPG to date. In order to celebrate its 13th anniversary, EverQuest will be adopting the free-to-play model. It makes sense, as who else is going to sign up and pay for something which is already so old.

Ubergizmo, EverQuest is now free-to-play

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