Monday, November 25, 2013

Rockstar Trademarks New Bully Title In Europe

Rockstar Trademarks New Bully Title In Europe

For those unfamiliar, Bully was a game released by Rockstar back in 2005 and has been pretty well received due to its unique gameplay. The game saw a re-release for the Nintendo Wii and the Xbox 360 in 2008, but we haven't really heard about the franchise since, although back in 2011 it was stated that a sequel was in the cards, but not confirmed. Well it looks like things could be well on their way thanks to the folks at Junkie Monkeys who discovered a trademark by Rockstar that was registered in November for the title, "Bully Bullworth Academy: Canis Canem Edit".

Ubergizmo , Rockstar Trademarks New Bully Title In Europe, Rockstar Trademarks New Bully Title In Europe

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