Saturday, November 30, 2013

Peruvian developer bids to turn Packard plant into upscale go kart track

Peruvian developer bids to turn Packard plant into upscale go kart track

The last time a car was made at Detroit's infamously derelict Packard plant was in 1958. Though it's been used for a variety of purposes since, these days it stands empty, an icon of urban decay. But that doesn't mean nobody's trying to do anything about it. The county recently put it up for auction, the winning bid placed by a doctor from Texas who quickly emerged as a quack.

Autoblog , Peruvian developer bids to turn Packard plant into upscale go kart track

See also:
, Peruvian developer bids to turn Packard plant into upscale go kart track

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