Monday, November 25, 2013

HTC One in gold goes official

HTC One in gold goes official

It looks like Apple might have started yet another trend that other OEMs will look to emulate. HTC has just announced a golden version of their 2013 flagship HTC One. It's not the first time we've seen this stallion clad in gold-plated armor, as Gold Genie took it upon themselves to create an after-market modification of the phone a while ago (and HTC tried their hand at a limited edition run of it at a very premium price point). But this is HTC's official go-round at the golden version, and boy does it look nice. It's not the shiny, flashy gold that you might expect, with HTC instead going for a more subtle, muted effect.

Android Phone , HTC One in gold goes official

See also:
, HTC One in gold goes official

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