Monday, April 22, 2013

Yahoo iPhone App Updated With Summly Integration

Yahoo iPhone App Updated With Summly Integration

Summly, a mobile news app developed by a British teen, was acquired by Yahoo for a reported sum of $30 million. Nick D'Aloisio, the developer of this app, is ranked among the world's youngest self-made millionaires. After teaching himself to write code just when we was 12 years old, he developed this app at the tender age of 15. Today Yahoo has updated its main iPhone app which now comes with Summly integrated.
Yahoo says that the new mobile app for iPhone is all about delivering the best of web. It capitalizes on Summly's natural language algorithms to quickly deliver summaries of stories to the user.

Ubergizmo , Yahoo iPhone App Updated With Summly Integration, Yahoo iPhone App Updated With Summly Integration

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