Sunday, April 7, 2013

Samsung Infringes Crucial Part Of Apple Patent, Says ITC

Samsung Infringes Crucial Part Of Apple Patent, Says ITC

In a preliminary decision, a judge of the International Trade Commission said that Samsung is infringing a very crucial part of a patent held by Apple, by adding text-selection feature in its devices which include both tablets and smartphones. This could mean trouble for the Korean manufacturer, because if the ruling is upheld, Samsung could be barred from importing devices in to the U.S. Apple says that the Galaxy, Nexus, Transform and other devices are infringing upon its patent. It is now up to the final decision of a full commission to either uphold or overturn this decision, which is expected in August.

Ubergizmo , Samsung Infringes Crucial Part Of Apple Patent, Says ITC, Samsung Infringes Crucial Part Of Apple Patent, Says ITC

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