Monday, April 15, 2013

Peregrine Falcon Forces Vodafone UK To Shutdown One Of Its Cell Towers

Peregrine Falcon Forces Vodafone UK To Shutdown One Of Its Cell Towers

Considering that technology sometimes destroys nature in order for it to progress, it's interesting to hear that sometimes nature can get the better of technology as is with the case of UK carrier Vodafone. The carrier has been forced to disable one of its cell towers in the city of Southampton after a peregrine falcon has decided to choose that particular area for its nest. With the bird enjoying protected status and cannot be disturbed, engineers were not able to do anything, leaving Vodafone to temporarily abandon that particular cell tower for now.

Ubergizmo , Peregrine Falcon Forces Vodafone UK To Shutdown One Of Its Cell Towers, Peregrine Falcon Forces Vodafone UK To Shutdown One Of Its Cell Towers

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