Friday, April 5, 2013

Analyst Believes Microsoft Will Become Irrelevant If They Don't Succeed In The Tablet Market

Analyst Believes Microsoft Will Become Irrelevant If They Don't Succeed In The Tablet Market

We've heard the arguments and opinions in the past that tablets are considered to be part of the post-PC era, and that as tablets become more powerful, it wouldn't be a stretch of the imagination if one day they might even replace laptops. While laptops still have a ton of use left in them, perhaps that future might be soon, but at the same time research group Gartner believes that Microsoft needs to succeed in the tablet market if they wish to remain relevant.

Ubergizmo , Analyst Believes Microsoft Will Become Irrelevant If They Don't Succeed In The Tablet Market, Analyst Believes Microsoft Will Become Irrelevant If They Don't Succeed In The Tablet Market

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