Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Samsung Reveals Robotic Vacuum Cleaner With Longer Reach

Samsung Reveals Robotic Vacuum Cleaner With Longer Reach

No – you're not experiencing deja vu. We did report earlier today on LG's upcoming Hom-Bot vacuum debuting at CES 2013, and here we are, talking about another vacuum this time from Samsung.  Apparently, it seems CES 2013 will be the location for the smart-vacuum battle to the death that we've all been waiting for. Samsung has just announced its Smart Tango Corner Cleaner for CES which is disc-shaped, like the majority of robotic vacuum cleaners on the market, but what sets this one apart is its pop-out spinning brushes that extend away from vacuum's body.

Ubergizmo , Samsung Reveals Robotic Vacuum Cleaner With Longer Reach, Samsung Reveals Robotic Vacuum Cleaner With Longer Reach

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