Wednesday, January 16, 2013

AMD Accuses Former Employees Of Trading Secrets With NVIDIA

AMD Accuses Former Employees Of Trading Secrets With NVIDIA

Advanced Micro Devices, popularly known as AMD, has filed a complaint yesterday saying that four of its previous employees, ex-key officials for that matter, brought along with them sensitive documents or electronic files before joining fierce graphics competitor NVIDIA. The defendants are Robert Feldstein, Manoo Desai, Nicolas Kociuk, and Richard Hagen. The four are former top AMD executives, with Feldstein serving as vice-president and the three as managers. AMD says that the defendants downloaded over 100,000 files into external hard drives and recruited potential NVIDIA employees after their tenure. Feldstein left AMD in July last year.

Ubergizmo , AMD Accuses Former Employees Of Trading Secrets With NVIDIA, AMD Accuses Former Employees Of Trading Secrets With NVIDIA

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