Thursday, January 3, 2013

French continue New Year's arson tradition by torching 1,193 cars

French continue New Year's arson tradition by torching 1,193 cars

Just because the French government stopped divulging the number of cars set on fire during New Year's Eve doesn't mean French youth have stopped enjoying the pastime. In 2009, the year before Nicolas Sarkozy took control of Elysées Palace, there were 1,147 cars burned on NYE. This year, the new government of François Hollande – a proponent of transparency in such matters – reports that there were 1,193 cars flambéed a few nights ago. Some watchers have criticized the French government for going public with the numbers again, saying it only encourages gangs to compete with one another.

Autoblog , French continue New Year's arson tradition by torching 1,193 cars, French continue New Year's arson tradition by torching 1,193 cars

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