Saturday, June 30, 2012

NASA's NuSTAR probe snaps first X-ray image of feeding black hole

NASA's NuSTAR probe snaps first X-ray image of feeding black hole

It was Bret Easton Ellis who coined the phrase, "The better you look, the more you see," and it appears the folks down at NASA's Jet Propulsion Lab agree. In what's considered a "first," the agency's latest space-scouring probe, the Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array, has turned on its X-ray vision to capture focused images of a black hole, dubbed Cygnus X-1, feeding on a nearby giant star. By tuning into these high-energy frequencies, scientists are getting a peak into a previously unseen side of the heavens at 100 times the sensitivity and 10 times the resolution of any preceding tech.

Engadget , NASA's NuSTAR probe snaps first X-ray image of feeding black hole, NASA's NuSTAR probe snaps first X-ray image of feeding black hole

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