Monday, June 18, 2012

Android apps that use power control APIs are often 'battery killers,' oh the irony

Android apps that use power control APIs are often 'battery killers,' oh the irony

If there's one thing Purdue University researchers can't stand, it's an inefficient Android app. They've already revealed how some titles burn huge amounts of energy just by running ads (e.g., Angry Birds uses 63 percent of its resources for flogging stuff rather than flinging stuff), and now they've confirmed something else that has long been suspected: many offerings on Google Play also contain serious "energy bugs." Specifically, these are apps that use Android's power control or wakelock APIs to prevent a phone going into sleep mode.
Android apps that use power control APIs are often 'battery killers,' oh the irony

Engadget , Android apps that use power control APIs are often 'battery killers,' oh the irony, Android apps that use power control APIs are often 'battery killers,' oh the irony

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