Tuesday, June 19, 2012

AT&T strikes a deal with Sirius XM to make 2.3GHz LTE a reality, pitches it to the FCC

AT&T strikes a deal with Sirius XM to make 2.3GHz LTE a reality, pitches it to the FCC

AT&T has been a little more eager than usual to get spectrum after a certain big deal fell through, and we now know that Big Blue has been willing to bury a few outstanding hatchets to make that happen. The carrier has filed with the FCC to propose a deal with Sirius XM that would get its LTE-based 4G running on the 2.3GHz Wireless Communications Service (WCS) that, normally, satellite radio intersects. Rather than stay at an impasse, AT&T has agreed to a 5MHz dead zone on either end of Sirius XM's frequencies that would mitigate the risk of that Internet video stream colliding with Howard Stern.

Engadget , AT&T strikes a deal with Sirius XM to make 2.3GHz LTE a reality, pitches it to the FCC

See also:
things, AT&T strikes a deal with Sirius XM to make 2.3GHz LTE a reality, pitches it to the FCC

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