Monday, October 15, 2012

Sphero gets an improved, multifunction Drive app, we go hands-on

Sphero gets an improved, multifunction Drive app, we go hands-on

Just about a year ago we got to review Orbotix's Sphero, and while it was an amusing little remote control orb, its controls left a lot to be desired. A couple months ago, the company gave Sphero some new firmware that included the "Vector Drive" feature, which eliminated Sphero's meandering ways and gave it far more precise steering. Now, the company has improved its Drive app and combined it with the old Sphero and Cam apps. This new version of Drive has a tool that lets users aim the ball with a single finger - a small, but welcome improvement over the old, fidgety two-finger method.

Engadget , Sphero gets an improved, multifunction Drive app, we go hands-on, Sphero gets an improved, multifunction Drive app, we go hands-on

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