Monday, October 29, 2012

Nexus 10 is now official

Nexus 10 is now official

While Apple encroached on the 7" tablet territory that the late Steve Jobs once declared that tablets in the "tweens" (meaning the 7" category) are basically DOA – Dead On Arrival, one raised eyebrows and questions as to whether Steve would have approved of such a move or not. Well, Samsung and Google has hit back at Apple's bread and butter tablet, their iPad, by introducing the Nexus 10. Running on the latest version of Android 4.2 Jelly Bean, the Nexus 10 will clearly go up head to head against the iPad, sporting a whopping resolution count of 2560 x 1600 pixels (300ppi), clearly kicking Apple's vaunted Retina display.

Ubergizmo , Nexus 10 is now official, Nexus 10 is now official

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