Sunday, July 22, 2012

Buffalo outs HDW-P550U3 external drive with USB 3.0 and WiFi in Japan

Buffalo outs HDW-P550U3 external drive with USB 3.0 and WiFi in Japan

Buffalo's HDD repertoire is already pretty well stacked, but there's nothing wrong with the company giving you extensive storage options. The newest one to join the external drive pile is the HDW-P550U3, boasting a decent 500GB capacity, the latest-gen of USB tech (or 3.0, if you prefer), WiFi (B,G,N) for some cordless doc-transferring action and a hefty 2,860mAh battery that promises to give you around five hours of usage.

Engadget , Buffalo outs HDW-P550U3 external drive with USB 3.0 and WiFi in Japan

See also:
techcrunch, Buffalo outs HDW-P550U3 external drive with USB 3.0 and WiFi in Japan

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