Friday, August 3, 2012

Developer sues Tesla over aborted New Mexico Model S plant

Developer sues Tesla over aborted New Mexico Model S plant

New Mexico may be The Land of Enchantment, but at least one developer from the state is less than charmed with Tesla Motors. The electric-vehicle maker has been sued by Rio Real Estate Investment Opportunities for what the developer says was an agreed-upon deal for Tesla to produce its Model S battery-electric sedan in New Mexico, according to website Gigaom. Tesla allegedly reached an agreement in early 2007 to have Rio Real Estate build a 150,000-square-foot factory and lease it out to the automaker for $1.35 million a year for 10 years.

Autoblog , Developer sues Tesla over aborted New Mexico Model S plant

See also:
newgadgets, Developer sues Tesla over aborted New Mexico Model S plant

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