Tuesday, August 21, 2012

ZTE Windows Phone 8 devices only coming in late 2013?

ZTE Windows Phone 8 devices only coming in late 2013?

While ZTE is among Microsoft's official partners which support Windows Phone 8, the company doesn't seem to be in a hurry when it comes to launching devices running the new WP platform. The Inquirer quotes Chris Edwards, European marketing and development director at ZTE, who says they'll only release Windows Phone 8 handsets "towards middle-late 2013." ZTE's Windows Phone 8 plans reportedly include affordable mid-end devices - as alternatives to smartphones made by "tier one" manufacturers (like Nokia and Samsung, which will both have WP8 products later this year). So, until next year, ZTE will be focusing on Android.

Unwired View , ZTE Windows Phone 8 devices only coming in late 2013?, ZTE Windows Phone 8 devices only coming in late 2013?

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