Tuesday, November 20, 2012

New European tires to get labels rating fuel efficiency, wet traction and noise levels

New European tires to get labels rating fuel efficiency, wet traction and noise levels

Bloomberg reports the European Union is set to require tire manufacturers to include new labels detailing everything from the rubber's wet-traction performance to fuel efficiency and noise levels. Each tire will receive a rating on an A-to-G scale for wet traction and fuel efficiency, wherein A is the highest score possible. Information on the tire's noise level, meanwhile, will be conveyed in decibels. So, why the big push for more sidewall information? Tire manufacturers in the EU are being hit on two sides; economic woes hurting the bottom line, while inexpensive Chinese tires lure buyers away from more common brands.

Autoblog , New European tires to get labels rating fuel efficiency, wet traction and noise levels

See also:
itworld, New European tires to get labels rating fuel efficiency, wet traction and noise levels

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