Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Fuuvi Bee 8mm Style Retro Digital Camera lets you shoot retro photographs

Fuuvi Bee 8mm Style Retro Digital Camera lets you shoot retro photographs

If you're keen on shooting retro style photographs and videos but you don't own a smartphone, you aren't left with too many choices. You can shoot regular pictures on a digital camera, transfer them to your computer to edit them, or get a film camera, shoot photographs, and try applying some tricks when you're in the film development stage. Or you could pick up the Fuuvi Bee 8mm Style Retro Digital Camera. Featuring toy-like proportions, this camera can dangle from your wrist and is touted to be capable of shooting retro-style photos. And by retro we mean Instagram/Hipstamatic-style photographs.

Ubergizmo, Fuuvi Bee 8mm Style Retro Digital Camera lets you shoot retro photographs

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